Internet Profits

Internet Profits – week 7: Pros and Cons

In week 7…

I continued to work through Internet Profit‘s Quick Start Blueprint and made good progress.  I finished setting up the basics of my blog (yes, this one lol!).  It’s not perfect and there’s still a lot of work to be done, but I have something now, at least. 

As I progress through Internet Profits, I like to stop regularly, and go through the pros and cons.

So… let’s do this right now.  Please note that this is my completely subjective experience – what I like, you might dislike – and vice-versa, what I dislike, you might find great!

The pros…

Internet Profits is undoubtedly a high quality product.  The training is clear, the steps to follow are broken down in small “chunks”; that makes it easy to take action, one step at a time.

I wish I’d had a course like that from the start, honestly.  I remember being so LOST when I began my journey in affiliate marketing.  If I’d had a step by step guide, I would have been more successful faster, I reckon.

Anyway, I think the first big pro of Internet Profits is this: it’s clear, simple and newbie friendly. 

Next, the course comes with an active and supportive community.  That’s worth a lot.  Have a question?  Feel stuck?  You can just post in the Facebook group, and you’ll get a reply, sometimes from Dean Holland himself.  I posted a question and Dean spent an hour, live in the Facebook group, answering it! 

Another HUGE pro is how “easy” Internet Profits is to promote.  Dean is the creator of “the ultimate funnel” – and it’s powerful.  Let me explain.  Internet Profits comes with a fantastic value ladder.  The first product you can get is a free book (if you click this link, you can get it for yourself). 

This book is full of valuable and helpful insights.  But the free book is just the first of a variety of useful products offered by Internet Profits.  From an affiliate’s point of view, it’s very “comfortable”.  Once you’ve offered the free book to your customers, they will be nurtured by Dean and his team; some of them will buy further products, create great businesses, and you will make good commissions in the process. 

Basically, Internet Profits allows you to make high ticket commissions, but not only.  It’s a lot easier to “sell” a free book than to sell a $2k course.   As an affiliate, it means that my focus can go on creating good content that attracts the audience who needs it.  I don’t need to waste energy on trying to sell a very expensive product.

The cons…  

I’ve said it before, and I’ll repeat it: Internet Profits is not a “business in a box” quick fix kind of product.  If that’s what you’re looking for, then it’s not for you.  You will need time to set things up properly.  You will need to put in the work.

Now for me, maybe the biggest downside to Internet Profits is that it uses “promoting Internet Profits” as an example of how to set things up.  The Quick Start Blueprint teaches you how to set everything up to promote the course.  Which is great if you want to promote the course. 

But what if you want to be an affiliate for a different course?  Or in a different niche?

Affiliate marketing is not only promoting make money online courses.  Too many people forget that.  

I’m an affiliate for tools that help affiliate marketers on Facebook for example.  I know people who are affiliates for gardening systems, or kitchen appliances.  It all depends on your niche and area of expertise.

I would love for the course to teach beginners how to give an example of how to set things up in another niche. 

So – that’s my biggest criticism of the course.  And I decided that I would do a kind of “mini-course”, showing people how they would set things up to be an affiliate for something completely different than a make money online course!  I haven’t done it yet, but I will, I promise!  And I’ll give it away here, on this blog, for free, once it’s ready 🙂

That’s it for this week!

Just, before I go, quick sales check: since starting with Internet Profits, I have made $28.50.

And here’s my live video progress report ?

See you soon for my week 8 progress!



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