affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Internet Profits, Make money online

My biggest enemy…

Do you drive yourself crazy at times? I DO!!!  I could really, really kick myself some days.  In fact I could probably do worse than kick myself, it's that bad! This might be something you do too, so let me share my latest silly Sophie stuff... Here's what happened: Just over two months ago, we… Continue reading My biggest enemy…

affiliate marketing, Internet Profits, Make money online

I’ve done it again :-(

I know, I know... I disappeared again for a few weeks!  So sorry!  But I've been working hard, that's why! And I went away for a few days too... Want to see a picture?  Took my mum, youngest son and nephew to the Swiss mountains for a few days; my sister joined us on day… Continue reading I’ve done it again 🙁

affiliate marketing, Internet Profits, Make money online

The lies that give affiliate marketing such a bad name…

"17k in 48 hours, even as a complete beginner..." That's the Facebook post that triggered me to grab my camera and shoot my latest video for this week. I've had enough of all the BS in the industry and I think it's time to speak out... I mean, SERIOUSLY, come on!  17 grand in a… Continue reading The lies that give affiliate marketing such a bad name…

affiliate marketing, Internet Profits, Make money online

It’s been a crazy year… but I’m back!

I know, I know... it looks like I disappeared, right?  My last post was over a year ago, it's crazy!! I'm writing this on a Saturday morning, and as I sit here at my desk, I look back at the last 14 or so months and can't believe how I survived it all. Just in… Continue reading It’s been a crazy year… but I’m back!

Make money online

Millionaires Challenge System… what happened next?

In my last post, I told you to watch this space for an update on what happened after I decided not to promote Zach Crawford's Millionaires Challenge System anymore...  Quick reminder: I was mentored by Zach for a year, from January 2020.  This was my first time being mentored and it was great!  I made… Continue reading Millionaires Challenge System… what happened next?