affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Make money online

Bye Bye 2024!

January 1st, 2025…

And another year’s gone by, just like that.  I can’t get over how fast time goes, and so I write, in a feeble attempt to capture small snippets of it…

Two weeks before Christmas 2024, I attended a live workshop where we took 90 minutes to review the progress we made throughout the year.

The idea was to write down what we did, what went well, what failed, and why.  It was so interesting and helpful I wrote an entire email to my list about it (click here if you want to read it)… and now I think it deserves a blog post all of its own.

2024 was a year of launches for me…

I went all in creating my own products — and all in believing in myself and my ability to help people.  As a result, it was a year of growth; and I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t mention that it came with its fair share of challenges!

My centrepiece was The Facebook Ads Lab, my very own coaching program that I launched on February 2nd 2024.  I mentioned this in a previous blog post and I’m very proud to say it’s done well, both for my students and myself.  More on this later…

Shortly after the first Facebook Ads Lab session, I dove into the world of memberships and created Sophie’s Circle, which I launched in April 2024.  Sophie’s Circle is a membership that is specifically designed to help those who want to get started with affiliate marketing.  I wanted it to be affordable and helpful to everyone. 

I put all my courses in this membership: “The Affiliate Starter Kit”, “The YouTube Masterclass”, “Autopilot Leads” and “The Mindset Mastermind”; I added free downloadable resources in there, as well as templates; members can ask me questions too, and we meet once a week for Coffee Hour.  AND I give members a piece of exclusive content every month.

In September, I launched yet another “product”: this wasn’t a course, but it was more of an experiment that I named “Build a Business from Scratch”.  I was determined to show how to build a super simple business from scratch, in any niche, and how to monetise it with affiliate marketing.  I recorded my progress on YouTube every week for 11 weeks.

November 2024 saw me launch the natural progression of The Facebook Ads Lab: The Ads Lab Follow-up group, a six-month coaching program to help all those who’ve gone through the initial six week training and want to continue working with me.  In this program, we dive deeper into the world of email marketing in particular.

And finally, for Black Friday 2024, I created another product: “Your First Affiliate Commission — with the help of AI”, a seven day guide to making your first commission…

So how did all this go?

Let’s start with the wins:

The Facebook Ads Lab and its sequel, the Follow-up Group, were clear wins on all counts.

I took three groups through the initial six-week journey: one in February/March; the next one in April/May, and the last one in September/October… a total of 27 people!  Out of these, six have decided to continue working with me in the six-month follow-up group. 

I enjoyed every minute of working with these groups — and I can’t wait to start with a new group soon!

The testimonials from members made me blush: everyone had very kind words to say about my expertise and level of support.

And most importantly, the students who took action started to see results: their ads are bringing leads, building a quality email list for them, and sales are beginning to happen. 

I LOVE teaching something and seeing people get results from applying what they’ve learned.  It’s so motivating!  They’re happy, I’m happy, it’s a win all round!

And now let’s turn to the “failures”:

“Building a Business from Scratch” was one of these good ideas that was just that: a good idea, but not so good when it was put into practice.

It turned out to be A LOT of work for me, for very little in return.  I needed to build the new business AND record my progress, and it was just too much on top of everything else.  I tracked my numbers too, in terms of views, and noticed that very few people were interested in this experiment anyway… so after 11 weeks, I dropped it.

Can’t win them all, right? 

What about the rest?

Sophie’s Circle is in the middle: it’s not a resounding win, but not a terrible failure either!

It started quite strong with 24 Founding Members when I launched in April, giving all these first members the chance to lock in their membership for a lifetime price of $7 a month.  It grew to reach 35 members at one point, but then quite a few people dropped off. 

Right now I have 30 active members. Whilst this is good, it’s not enough to make this a financially viable product in the long run.  The cost of the membership is $9 a month right now; the income I make from it, taking yearly memberships and Founding Members into account, works out at just over $200 a month…  If I factor in the weekly hour I give for Coffee Hour, the admin work needed for the membership as well as the hours I put in to create the exclusive content, I can safely say I put in eight to ten hours of work a month into this… which in turn means that I’d be paid more working at MacDonald’s lol!

But of course, this is not purely about how much money I make per hour! I LOVE spending time with members, answering questions, getting to know them, helping them out… I’m honoured that some members turn up every week for Coffee Hour and value their time with the group on Zoom.  I LOVE seeing how the group is bonding, with members helping each other out, encouraging each other, etc. 

So even though it’s not exactly an economic win, it’s got “something” that I feel is really valuable.  Which means that I’m going to keep it going for now… but with a fairly significant increase in cost for new members very soon.  

Aside from this, my Black Friday offer “Your First Affiliate Commission” was also in the middle: I sold six guides, and this probably sounds really low, considering I have a list of over 4000 people now.  However, looking at the CTR rates from my launch emails, my conversion rate was actually really good at 7.6%.  I’d created everything myself: the sales page, launch emails, offer… so I was proud of these results!

So now what?

Looking back on 2024, I’m struck by how, yet again, I did too much. 

I could kick myself, honestly!  I’m INCORRIGIBLE!  But anyway, it is what it is, and I have to let it go. 

By November, it was clear to me that my “thing” is group coaching. 

Working with people in a group is a win on so many levels:

  • It’s affordable for people: I can offer them quality coaching for a fraction of what it would cost them in a one to one setting
  • It’s realistic in terms of time for me: I can work with a group for two hours, with an hour or two of preparation; this fits in extremely well with my family commitments
  • It’s profitable for me, without costing people a fortune
  • The energy of the group is so positive for the students and for myself. 

With this in mind, here’s my 2025 plan: 

I want to turn the Facebook Ads Lab into an evergreen program. And I want to offer the Follow-up Group regularly too.  I’ll need to write a separate post to explain how I’m doing this — for now, let me just say that I’m working on this!

Anything else?

Well, yes, of course!  There are plenty of other “things” I could report about 2024…  But where do I start?  I don’t know lol!  Let me just jot them down here as they come into my mind: 

I still work for, and with, Dean.  This is a wonderful and invaluable collaboration; I can’t begin to say how much I LOVE working for Internet Profits!  Dean isn’t just an employer, he’s a fantastic mentor who’s always there to help me; he taught me a lot this year, and it’s 100% thanks to him that I made so much progress.  I learn from the coaching sessions we have together every month, I learn from the events where he invites me to be a speaker, I learn from the conversations we have on WhatsApp and I learn from watching how he manages his own business.  And I learn from hours of conversation with my dear colleague Glenn Shepherd, as well as from all the questions we get from the people we coach together.

Sometimes I still have to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming… yes, I really am working for Internet Profits!  I’m SO, so grateful for this!

Income wise… 2024 was my best year again!  Every year, I make more than the previous year!  So in spite of all my mistakes (doing too much, not pricing my membership right, wasting time with crazy projects…) I still made more money in 2024 than in 2023

In my personal life, things calmed down… I got my strength back after losing my Dad in 2023.  Grief is a journey, and it’s not easy every day, but I’m a lot better than I was a year ago, that’s for sure.

The end of 2024 was marked by a holiday :-). One of my dreams had always been to go somewhere warm and sunny for Christmas… well this year, this dream came true!  On December 18th, we flew off to the Canary Islands, where we had ten days of blissful family time. 

I’m coming to the end of this 2024 review…

It’s imperfect!  As I write this, it’s late on January 1st, I’m tired and I feel there’s at least a dozen things missing from this post.  But I want to hit my perfectionism in the face again and just post anyway.

Just before I go, I want to go back to my “pre-Christmas” review exercise for a second and add this: we were asked to pick our top three goals for 2025.  They could be business related or personal, or a mix of both.  I picked two business goals and one personal.  I gave them each a name:

  1. Explode my income
  2. Success coaching
  3. I matter

  These are my top three goals for this new year: 1) I want to take my income to a whole new level and hit $100k this year, 2) I want to have a solid, evergreen, group coaching offer that I open the doors to regularly, and 3) I want to put myself in the centre more (and if this sounds self-centred and selfish, so be it… I need to stop putting myself last all the time).

I’ve started working on all these three goals already, and will continue to do so throughout the year.

I commit to being focused and I will do my utmost best NOT to do too much!

That’s it for me… what about YOU?

What are YOU committed to for 2025?  Have you reviewed your 2024?  What happened?  What do you want to do differently this year?  I wish you all the very best for this new start!  Just do it!  Life is way too short to wait. 

Much love, Sophie



affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Make money online

Behind the scenes… here’s what I’ve been working on…

Do you love what you do?

If not, I wish with all my heart that you can to change this for yourself one day ?

As I sit here at my computer, writing this before dawn, I am SO grateful I found something I love, love, love doing!

Anyway… enough of my ramblings about how much I love what I do!

Right now I’m working on creating something new – yes, I know, I know… I said I wouldn’t add more work for myself… but listen, give me a break – this just HAD to be done!

Let me explain:

I started this business in 2018… ok, granted, I had no clue what I was doing for the first couple of years.

But still, I did start generating affiliate commissions way back in 2018.

Over the years, my experience, knowledge, and income has grown.

And I’ve always stayed an affiliate.

Well, mostly. 

have created a few products, but never went out of my way to sell them.

Now over the past few months, I’ve realised that many people on my list want to work with me.

No offence to the great courses I’m an affiliate for!

I think it’s just that some people resonate with me and my style, and want me to be the one who teaches them.

Dean‘s often talked about how this happened to him too: when he finally made things work, after years of struggling, people started reaching out to him and asking him for help… and he wanted to send them to his mentor… but people wanted to learn from him!

And that’s how he created his first product!

So I guess the same has been happening to me – and for a long time I put off addressing this…

Not that I don’t want to help people out – quite the contrary!

But there’s a little inner turmoil going on inside me, if I’m honest: first there’s my lack of time… but probably more importantly, let’s face it, there’s my beloved imposter syndrome (“beloved” is sarcasm… I don’t loved it at all really ?).

Anyway, a few things happened recently and they made me realise I just need to go for it.

I got quite a few people reaching out, wanting to buy my product (the one that doesn’t exist yet lol!).

Then Dean told me, in a poignant coaching call, that I needed to move out of my own way…

And he’s right! 

He reminded me that I’ve generated it around $70k in sales over the past 2 years…

And that I am getting daily targeted leads for under $1 a lead…

And that I’ve been making a consistent 4 figures a month in profit for over 2 years…

And that my ads got me a 371% ROI in 2023…

And that my YouTube channel has close to 4k subscribers…

And… ok, I’ll stop here because I’m beginning to blush.

Basically, Dean reminded me not only of how well I’m doing, but also of all the areas that I can help people with.

Suddenly hit me: there’ll never be a right time.  I just have to jump in.


It was time to think about ways that I can teach – ways that are realistic with my family commitments and reality of being a solopreneur for the moment.

And suddenly, I had a brainwave: a membership site.

A site where I put all my courses in, and add regular valuable content for my audience…

A membership where people can pay to have direct access to me for questions…

Something reasonably priced for my customers, that will help them and give me recurring income…

Having thought this out, I surveyed my list and my group.

And the result?  An overwhelming majority of YESes!

Then I asked Dean, of course, what he thought of the idea… and his answer?  Another resounding YES!

So there you go: I’ve been busy creating this membership and I’m determined to launch this in the next few days.

Now that you know what I’ve been working on, let me share a little secret for you:

I’ve been creating this on a brand new platform, that’s not even available to the public yet.

Did I tell you about this before?  No, I don’t think so!

Dean has many gems, and his latest one is “Affiliate System”: a pretty awesome “funnel builder/CRM/website builder/email marketing/and much more platform”.

As far as I can tell, there’s not much Affiliate System won’t do – well, apart from doing my laundry that is!

Now of course, as with all new things, I was reluctant to move to this platform at first…

But being a coach for Internet Profits, I thought “come on Soph, you HAVE to know this platform or you won’t be able to help people out”.

And what better way is there to get to know a new platform than to build your own product on it?

So I got my teeth into it and began to migrate content I have on Clickfunnels, to Affiliate System (my love for Clickfunnels needs to be the topic for another post… it’s hard for me to leave them, but it just makes sense for me now – it’s just tough for this Russell Brunson superfan girl right here…)

Today, on the very last day of March 2024, I am really close to having my first version of this membership site DONE!


So… here’s my promise that my next blog post will give you more details about it – including how to join ?

Till then… Happy Easter and have a great Sunday!

affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Make money online

Better late than never…

I know, I know, I know… haven’t posted in a long time again…

It’s not that I’ve given up, I promise!  It’s just that life is SO busy… it’s crazy – all good, but crazy!

Anyway, I was supposed to report back about this “thing” I was launching.

It’s all done and dusted now, so there are no secrets anymore and I can tell you everything ?

The product I launched at the very end of January was a 6-week coaching program: I took a group of people and helped them set up their very own Facebook Lead Ad.

“Why Facebook Lead Ads?” you might be thinking?

Well… because I’ve been running these profitably for more than 2 years now – and I thought it was time for me to teach others how to set them up and run them too.

February 2nd 2024 marked the two-year anniversary of me launching my first profitable ad – so it was a good way to celebrate this, to get a group of people together and share my knowledge with them.

I named this coaching program The Facebook Ads lab… a small group of us worked together, and one of the members of the group has already launched his ad and is getting targeted leads for less than $1 – which is pretty awesome, right?

Now the irony of this is that on February 4th, just two days after starting the coaching, my own Facebook ad was turned off by Meta.  They informed me that it “went against community standards” and “was not approved”.  This was funny, considering this ad had been running for 2 years straight lol!

But there you go – what had been approved, suddenly wasn’t, and I had to create a new ad.

Anyway, back to the coaching program, here’s what I’ll say: I enjoyed it greatly and got good feedback from “my” students.  I’d love to run it again.

BUT – there is a but.

I think my audience needs coaching on how to start affiliate marketing more than they need Facebook ad coaching.

I realised this a little late.  Guess I made a rookie mistake: I didn’t survey my audience to ask them what they needed before going head first into what I thought they needed (or what I wanted to teach).

So I’m planning my next coaching to be around this: I want to take a group of people and help them get started with affiliate marketing.

The crazy thing is, it’s not that hard, seriously: pick a niche, pick products you want to promote, pick a platform and start creating content on there, grow your audience and, bingo!

I see creators left, right and centre building audiences in all kinds of niches and using affiliate marketing to monetise their content.

But I guess it’s easy for me to say that it’s easy… a few years ago, I didn’t even know affiliate marketing existed, let alone how to get started.

So that’s my next project on the list: take a group of people and help them get started.

AND… I’m working on creating a membership site too… using one of Dean’s new tools – a piece of software that’s pretty awesome, and not available to the public yet!

I’ll tell you all about this in my next post ?

In the meantime, if you’re interested in joining that “getting started with affiliate marketing” workshop, let me know in the comments and give me an email address where I can contact you when I open it up!

Speak soon,


affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Make money online

Ready for the new email rules?

I was way more productive this week!  Yay!  Exciting stuff coming – I’ll tell you more at the end of this post (if you have the courage to read it until the end lol!).

But let’s talk “pain in the neck email updates” first. 

If you’ve been growing your list, this affects you – and it comes into place on February 1st – so it’s literally round the corner…

I first heard about it from Dean at the end of last year, and then from everyone else.  Because this is pretty significant really, a big update in requirements from us bulk email senders.

So here’s what’s happening: starting in February, anyone sending bulk emails (ie the same email to many addresses, using an autoresponder), needs the following:

  • a verified sending domain
  • a DMARC record
  • DKIM and SPF records
  • DNS records
  • a one-click unsubscribe
  • AND… a spam complaint rate lower than 0.3%

Anyone who doesn’t comply with these rules will basically see his/her emails not get delivered, and in time risk being kicked out of their autoresponder service.

To be honest, the spam rate is what scares me most.

Not that I send spam – I NEVER do – but more that people hit the spam button easily, sometimes even inadvertently!

I recently found two people on my spam complaint list who are in very regular contact with me by email and reach out to me for advice.  I highly doubt they thought my emails were spam.  One of them was subscribed to my list with a few different email addresses, so my guess is this person wanted to unsubscribe and hit the spam button instead.

Anyway, all this to say that keeping your spam rate lower than 3 in 1000 seems truly tough to me, and I’m not quite sure that new rule is realistic.  But there you go.  

As far as the rest of the rules are concerned, the good news is, it’s not complicated to be compliant.

In fact, my autoresponder, Convertkit, organised everything perfectly.  We were invited to a short group zoom call where they told us exactly what to do. 

They take care of the DKIM, SPF and DNS records, as well as the one-click unsubscribe.  

All I had to do was verify my sending domain and set the DMARC record.  It took me 10 minutes, literally.  Then Convertkit checked it out for me and confirmed I’d done it all right.  

I LOVE Convertkit – they rock!!

I’ve seen that all the big companies are helping their customers set this up, so if you’re not with Convertkit, don’t worry, just reach out to your autoresponder if they haven’t reached out to you already.

Quick reminder: if you do affiliate marketing, you need an “affiliate marketing friendly” autoresponder.

In my experience, there are 3 big ones that are:

The most affiliate marketing friendly one is GetResponse.  I used it and found it great.

The only reason I switched to Convertkit was that I was taking an email marketing course that used it, and it just made sense to switch.

But I found both GetResponse and Convertkit very user friendly.  And if you’re looking for a good autoresponder, I can only recommend them both.

Ok, so now onto the exciting stuff!

Well… in my January coaching call with Dean, we talked about my goals and plans for 2024.

As I wrote before here, I’m committed this year to focusing exclusively on what’s worked so well for me over the past 2 years: Facebook ads and email follow-up.

Dean agreed with me (that was a big relief!)… and he agreed this was something I could start teaching too.

So I’ve been working on a new product of mine… to be launched on February 2nd!  

I’ll say no more for now, there must be some mystery about it right?  But let’s just say it has to do with the incredible traffic method that I discovered thanks to Dean and his team, nearly two years ago.

It’s funny the way things change…

Last week I was frustrated.  But this week, I was really efficient; it was like I was in “flow” every day, at least for a few hours.  When I can tap into this, it’s great.  It’s like I have wings!

I guess I’ve said enough for today – must go and work on these emails of mine!

What traffic source has given YOU the best ROI?  Let me know in the comments ?

affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Internet Profits, Make money online

So much to do, and so little time to do it…

I’m hoping this post won’t be too negative… but sometimes I seriously just need to have a good rant…

Maybe you, my dear reader, will relate to what I’m about to share?

Ok, so here we go: today’s January 13th, nearly half the month has gone, and I’m already running “behind”.

It’s maddening!

It drives me nuts, because it’s not that I don’t work and it’s not that I’m not motivated… it’s just that there are too many things in my life.

Well, I say “things”, but maybe that’s not the right word.

Rather, I mean, “responsibilities”, “people”, “roles”, “chores”.

Now don’t get me wrong: I LOVE my family to bits; my kids are absolutely everything for me and I would go to the end of the earth for them (well, if the earth wasn’t round, that is lol).

But with the family come sooooo many “things”.

Granted I don’t make it easier on myself by not sending the kids to school – but that’s a choice we’re not going back on, ever; it’s a non-negotiable, so I just have to work with this.

Apart from “school”, there are so many things to oversee, it’s insane.

Cooking, for one, is endless.

I mean, why, oh why, do we have to eat three times a day?  Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we could just do it once a week? 

You know, a little like changing the bedding… we’d schedule it and do it every Saturday.  Then it would be done!

But no, it doesn’t work like that; and kids are always hungry.

No sooner have we cleared the breakfast table that they ask: “Mum, what were you thinking of cooking for lunch?”

My kids are good at helping me out, but there still seems to be so much that I have to do.

Anyway, this week has been frustrating, and I’m annoyed at myself that I haven’t kept up.

I had planned an email a day – I’ve sent two only…

I had promised myself to shoot a video – it hasn’t happened yet…

I had committed to blog here at least once a week – this is my first post of the year…

And I am in the middle of preparing a new course – launch is planned for February 2nd… I wanted it finished by now, but it’s not ready yet.

Can you relate?

Are you trying to do too much?

If so, I feel for you!  And you’re not alone.

Ok, rant over – I feel better now!

The positive news is that I’ve not done nothing :-).

My ad is running and doing soooo well. I mean look at these numbers for the first 12 days of the year:

Leads are coming in for as little as $0.33, it’s incredible!

My email sequences are working for me.  My open rates are consistently above 35%.  Sales have come in.

That’s what I need to focus on – not the stuff I haven’t done.

Anyway, I’ll end this post here and go write some emails for next week.

If you’re like me, having to do a ton of “things” and finding it frustrating at times, please don’t give up.  You’ll get there, I promise.  The frustration is just part of the course, but it’s still all worth it in the end.

And if you want to know how to run ads that bring in quality leads at such a low cost – just like in the screenshot above – click this link; I teach this stuff, and you can get my training for free by following three simple steps.

Exciting things are happening within Internet Profits by the way… I’ll update you about it all very soon 🙂