Internet Profits

Internet Profits – week 5: Traffic

Week 5 in Internet Profits already! Time flies, it's crazy!  In week 5, I was still going through the Quick Start Blueprint - there are many videos there, and a lot to implement.  Internet Profits is not a business in a box, quick fix kind of product.  It gives you thorough training.  Even though I… Continue reading Internet Profits – week 5: Traffic

Internet Profits

Internet Profits – week 4: leads, leads, leads

Week 4 in Internet Profits... and I discovered how easy Dean Holland's course makes it for his certified partners to get leads. This week I went through more of the Quick Start Blueprint (as mentioned in week 3) and I discovered the video named "lead magnets".  Now before I tell you what gold I found… Continue reading Internet Profits – week 4: leads, leads, leads

Internet Profits

Internet Profits – week 3: first sale🎉

Well, well, well... Week 3 of being in Dean Holland's Internet Profits course, and I had something to celebrate already! If you have an online business, then you know how thrilling it is to get sales.  I never really get tired of it, even though I'm adamant you should not FOCUS on that.  Focus on… Continue reading Internet Profits – week 3: first sale🎉

Internet Profits

Internet Profits – week 2: certification 🥳

It feels so good to get a certificate! That's what happened just 10 days after I'd bought Dean Holland's Internet Profits course. I got a certificate of achievement and became an official Internet Profits certified partner 😜   So - how did that happen? Well, here's the thing.  When you join Internet Profits as a… Continue reading Internet Profits – week 2: certification 🥳

Internet Profits

Internet Profits – week 1: jumping in 🤪

It was time for a change. In May 2021, I decided to join Internet Profits - after talking with my friend James about it for over a year (I'm not a quick decision maker 😂). It wasn't one of these shiny-object-spur-of-the-moment decisions. I've been doing affiliate marketing since 2018. I'm one of the "lucky" ones,… Continue reading Internet Profits – week 1: jumping in 🤪