affiliate marketing, Internet Profits, Make money online

Internet Profits – week 18: 2022 here we come!

Many of us certified partners at Internet Profits are busy preparing for 2022 and it’s exciting!

As I mentioned in week 17, Internet Profits is introducing some big changes for 2022.  Dean is improving the program massively – and as it’s already awesome, I can’t even imagine how truly great it’s going to be! 

Yesterday was week 2 of the super affiliate success coaching; I came out of it super focused and filled with positive energy. 

This is exactly what I need right now.  A program that’s going to help me stay focused on the action I need to take daily to have success. 

For a long time now I’ve been convinced that most people fail because of lack of focus rather than lack of skills, products or tools.

I’ve seen it in myself and in others.  What we focus on, grows – it’s as simple as that.  So the fact that Dean is pivoting Internet Profits, and focusing on helping people focus and take the right action consistently, is absolutely awesome.

So – want to join me in preparing for even more success in 2022?

Here’s what I’ve been doing:

I had a hard honest talk with myself, and listed everything that might prevent me from reaching my goals in 2022…  there were many things, really, but the one that stood out above all for me was “wanting to do too many things”.

I know this is my number one enemy… I find it so hard to say no!  I want to help everyone, I see potential in every platform, I have too many ideas all the time. 

Doing too many things is what is stopping me from having massive growth in one area.

The second biggest challenge for me is self-doubt.  There’s this thing in my brain and at the core of my being that doubts…  There’s a whole story behind that – maybe I’ll write a post about it another day.  But for now, let’s just say I was pretty badly treated as a child; the look of disapproval and doubt in my mother’s eye is something I find very hard to get away from. But I WILL.  I owe it to myself to believe in myself.

So there you go: having had this talk with myself, I made a list of all this and I’m now working on getting my priorities right.  My conclusion is:

  • YouTube is my main platform.  That’s where I want true growth.
  • Everything else I do always has to either help my YouTube channel grow, or grow my email list.
  • On YouTube, I focus on helping affiliate marketers with all the problems they have.  These are almost always to do with traffic, getting started, choosing or understanding a product, choosing or understanding a traffic source, and converting traffic (making money).
  • Every piece of content I make for YouTube, I can then repurpose in all kinds of different ways, and that’s fine – as long as everything always leads back in some way to YouTube or my email list.

I guess from now on, any time I’m tempted to sign-up to another email list, I need to ask myself first: “will this help me grow my YouTube channel?”

Well, that’s a good thing I’ve established there – right?

What could stop YOU, dear reader, from succeeding in 2022?  Why don’t you make a list too?  And have that hard, honest talk with yourself?

Once you have a plan – it’s all a lot easier. 

In fact, I reckon these are the 2 keys to success:

  1. Have a plan
  2. Take consistent, focused action

I’ve always said that.  And now Internet Profits is giving me both a plan, and daily accountability and implementation help.  I can’t see how I could fail to have success in these conditions, to be honest…

So… you might have guessed this… I’M EXCITED!!

If you want to jump in and join us, go for it!  I’d love to do this with you!

=> Just click here to find out more <=

And if you want to hear me talk about all this, why don’t you catch me live on YouTube?

Keep being awesome, dear reader 🙂 You can do this!

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