affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey

Finally… well overdue news!

I’ve been meaning to write for ages… but somehow business – and life – has just been so busy that I haven’t got round to it.

A week off in the mountains with some of my family has left me recharged, so today is a good to day to take my virtual pen again and publish a post!

I’ll try not to make this post sad… but I can’t NOT mention my mother…

She was on holiday with us and, oh… my… goodness…  Alzheimer’s is HORRIBLE.

For the past 3 years, I’ve been taking my mum for about a week in the summer, so her husband can have a breather.

This year, my aunt helped a huge amount, and we both agreed this would probably be the last time we could take her on holiday.

From year to year, I see my mum going downhill and it’s just freaking horrid.

This brilliantly intelligent and bubbly woman is slowly losing the ability to do even the most basic things.

Everyone seems to think Alzheimer’s is about forgetting stuff.  And yes, it involves memory loss for sure.

But it’s so much more than that.

Character changes, total brain confusion, incoherent sentences, brutal mood swings, loss of inhibition, anger, anxiety… to name just a few…

And the “memory loss” affects every area of life… my mum now “forgets” about basic hygiene, about politeness rules, about what to do in so many every day situations…

I won’t dwell on it, but it’s seriously awful.

And as usual, it’s a sharp and painful reminder that life is short – and that we need to make the very most of it while we can!

Now let me turn to business – there’s a lot of EXCITING stuff going on!

In fact I just can’t believe I haven’t written since the end of March!!!

In my last post, I announced the imminent birth of my membership site…

Well… I’m proud to share that Sophie’s Circle was born in April 2024!

AND today it’s a lovely, thriving community of 37 members 🙂 (that you’re very welcome to join if you want to, by the way!  Just click here to discover all the details <=)

As is often the case with me, I launched this imperfectly and went on to improve things as I went along.

Don’t get me wrong: the content inside the membership was always good – really good in fact.  I never would sell anything but quality to my customers.

But with this being my first membership, I did have a few “teething” problems at the beginning…

I didn’t have time to create a sales page, for one.

Imagine this: I literally launched and sold this product WITHOUT a sales page – only through email!

And the result? 24 people joined as Founding Members! 

I had a special offer for Founding Members and they will always be really special to me as those who believed in me right from the start.

After that launch, the price went up slightly and we started to meet regularly for “Coffee Hour”.

Initially I’d planned to have this virtual get together once a month only, but it turned out to be so popular and enjoyable that it became a weekly event.

I had a few worries with the members’ area so I ended up hosting everything back on Clickfunnels again – which is fine for now.

I had a few similar worries with the community group, so I created a Telegram group instead and that works very well for now.  I’m extremely tempted to create a Skool group, but I’m put off by the hundred bucks a month fee just now, and Telegram is extremely handy.  

Members had their say in naming this membership and after a few weeks it was baptised “Sophie’s Circle”, on the suggestion of one of the Founding Members, Martin 🙂

It’s been quite an experience having my own membership, I must say.  Quite a bit of work, but I do love it!! 

Earlier this month, I created my first 5 day challenge… it was free for members and the feedback I got was really positive, which was very encouraging, obviously.

Throughout all this, Dean, as usual, has been mentoring me, and his support is invaluable.  He’s so encouraging and full of great ideas.  It’s SO precious to have him by my side.

I’m often reminded of his “Perfect Path to 7 figures” (explained in chapter 7 of the Iceberg Effect) and I’m honoured that he’s mentoring me through phase 2 of this 3 part path.

We meet every month, review my results and decide on the following month’s goals and plan.  One of the things we agreed on at the beginning of July was for me to start publishing more about my journey again (mostly on YouTube, but here on this blog too).

I’ve been very much in “creator mode” this year, but mostly it’s been creating my courses and membership.  It’s difficult to do everything, so my focus has been a lot less on creating content for my non paying customers.  But I miss it, and will do my very best to do more of it again, in this second half of the year.

Anyway, that’s my news for today!

Once again, you’re very welcome to join Sophie’s Circle… I’d love to have you with us! 

Click here for more information – and if you have any questions, just ask away in a comment below.

Speak soon!




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