affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Make money online

Ready for the new email rules?

I was way more productive this week!  Yay!  Exciting stuff coming – I’ll tell you more at the end of this post (if you have the courage to read it until the end lol!).

But let’s talk “pain in the neck email updates” first. 

If you’ve been growing your list, this affects you – and it comes into place on February 1st – so it’s literally round the corner…

I first heard about it from Dean at the end of last year, and then from everyone else.  Because this is pretty significant really, a big update in requirements from us bulk email senders.

So here’s what’s happening: starting in February, anyone sending bulk emails (ie the same email to many addresses, using an autoresponder), needs the following:

  • a verified sending domain
  • a DMARC record
  • DKIM and SPF records
  • DNS records
  • a one-click unsubscribe
  • AND… a spam complaint rate lower than 0.3%

Anyone who doesn’t comply with these rules will basically see his/her emails not get delivered, and in time risk being kicked out of their autoresponder service.

To be honest, the spam rate is what scares me most.

Not that I send spam – I NEVER do – but more that people hit the spam button easily, sometimes even inadvertently!

I recently found two people on my spam complaint list who are in very regular contact with me by email and reach out to me for advice.  I highly doubt they thought my emails were spam.  One of them was subscribed to my list with a few different email addresses, so my guess is this person wanted to unsubscribe and hit the spam button instead.

Anyway, all this to say that keeping your spam rate lower than 3 in 1000 seems truly tough to me, and I’m not quite sure that new rule is realistic.  But there you go.  

As far as the rest of the rules are concerned, the good news is, it’s not complicated to be compliant.

In fact, my autoresponder, Convertkit, organised everything perfectly.  We were invited to a short group zoom call where they told us exactly what to do. 

They take care of the DKIM, SPF and DNS records, as well as the one-click unsubscribe.  

All I had to do was verify my sending domain and set the DMARC record.  It took me 10 minutes, literally.  Then Convertkit checked it out for me and confirmed I’d done it all right.  

I LOVE Convertkit – they rock!!

I’ve seen that all the big companies are helping their customers set this up, so if you’re not with Convertkit, don’t worry, just reach out to your autoresponder if they haven’t reached out to you already.

Quick reminder: if you do affiliate marketing, you need an “affiliate marketing friendly” autoresponder.

In my experience, there are 3 big ones that are:

The most affiliate marketing friendly one is GetResponse.  I used it and found it great.

The only reason I switched to Convertkit was that I was taking an email marketing course that used it, and it just made sense to switch.

But I found both GetResponse and Convertkit very user friendly.  And if you’re looking for a good autoresponder, I can only recommend them both.

Ok, so now onto the exciting stuff!

Well… in my January coaching call with Dean, we talked about my goals and plans for 2024.

As I wrote before here, I’m committed this year to focusing exclusively on what’s worked so well for me over the past 2 years: Facebook ads and email follow-up.

Dean agreed with me (that was a big relief!)… and he agreed this was something I could start teaching too.

So I’ve been working on a new product of mine… to be launched on February 2nd!  

I’ll say no more for now, there must be some mystery about it right?  But let’s just say it has to do with the incredible traffic method that I discovered thanks to Dean and his team, nearly two years ago.

It’s funny the way things change…

Last week I was frustrated.  But this week, I was really efficient; it was like I was in “flow” every day, at least for a few hours.  When I can tap into this, it’s great.  It’s like I have wings!

I guess I’ve said enough for today – must go and work on these emails of mine!

What traffic source has given YOU the best ROI?  Let me know in the comments ?

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