affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Internet Profits, Make money online

Know your numbers

If there’s ONE thing Dean has taught me, it’s this: KNOW YOUR NUMBERS.

If you, dear reader, don’t track your numbers, don’t worry – I was the same.  When I first started building this business, I’m ashamed to say I didn’t really treat it like a business…

But then I met Dean, and he taught me otherwise.

As painful as it was, I began tracking figures.

  • Clicks
  • Leads
  • Sales
  • Ad spend

At first there were way too many zeros on my tracker sheet… I cringed every time I looked at it… but I’m a good girl who generally does as she’s told (especially when it’s her multi-millionaire mentor who tells her to do it), so I continued to track nonetheless.  

And in time, there were not so many zeros and that felt really good – but this is not the point I think will help you in this post.

The important thing I learned from tracking my numbers is that it allows me to make business decisions based on facts rather than emotions.

Oftentimes, we think something is working – when in reality it’s not.  And vice-versa, we might feel super discouraged and feel like failures, but then the numbers show us we’re in fact succeeding.

Numbers don’t lie.

I had an epiphany moment a few weeks ago that illustrated exactly this point: I was thinking of my strategy for 2024, and as usual, dozens of ideas were whizzing through my brain…

And then I stopped myself in my tracks and looked at my 2023 numbers.

Before making any decisions for 2024, I needed to know what 2023 looked like.

And looking at my tracker sheet, it was plain and simple: my Facebook ad is giving me an astounding ROI; throughout the year it has been running continuously, bringing in leads and making me between 350 and 400% ROI!

This is a perfect example of me thinking I’m not doing that well, but looking at the numbers and opening my eyes on the reality that I’m doing great.

If you haven’t been tracking your numbers, I highly suggest you commit to doing so in 2024.

It’s not hard at all.  All you need is a spreadsheet.  You can use Google sheets, an Excel spreadsheet on Word or Open Office; nothing fancy!

I’ve made a habit of entering my stats every morning.  I log in, look at the number of clicks, leads and sales I have.  I enter these, along with my ad spend for the previous day.  Takes me 5 minutes max.  

At the end of the month, I check that it’s all totalled up accurately.  There’s a sheet where the year’s totals are all added too.  

It’s easy and it makes a huge difference.

So… after looking at my numbers, I decided on my 2024 plan!  And guess what? 

I’m simply going to do more of what works.  And I’m going to take it to another level!

Here’s what I’ll do:

  • double down on my ads: I’ll try running a new one alongside the one that’s already working; I’ll try duplicating my winner and run it to other audiences; I’ll try increasing my ad spend
  • double down on my follow-up: the ads bring in the leads, but the follow-up builds the relationship and brings in the sales; I’m committing to writing many more emails this year, and to build 5 star relationships with my customers

And that’s it.

I’m going to do less to do more.

I’ll record how all this is going here, and I’ll share it to YouTube, of course.  But my focus will be on this, and this only.

What’s your plan for 2024?  Do you track your numbers already?  Let me know in the comments if you’d like me to show you a spreadsheet example – I’d be happy to do so if it helps!

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