affiliate marketing, entrepreneur journey, Internet Profits, Make money online

So much to do, and so little time to do it…

I’m hoping this post won’t be too negative… but sometimes I seriously just need to have a good rant…

Maybe you, my dear reader, will relate to what I’m about to share?

Ok, so here we go: today’s January 13th, nearly half the month has gone, and I’m already running “behind”.

It’s maddening!

It drives me nuts, because it’s not that I don’t work and it’s not that I’m not motivated… it’s just that there are too many things in my life.

Well, I say “things”, but maybe that’s not the right word.

Rather, I mean, “responsibilities”, “people”, “roles”, “chores”.

Now don’t get me wrong: I LOVE my family to bits; my kids are absolutely everything for me and I would go to the end of the earth for them (well, if the earth wasn’t round, that is lol).

But with the family come sooooo many “things”.

Granted I don’t make it easier on myself by not sending the kids to school – but that’s a choice we’re not going back on, ever; it’s a non-negotiable, so I just have to work with this.

Apart from “school”, there are so many things to oversee, it’s insane.

Cooking, for one, is endless.

I mean, why, oh why, do we have to eat three times a day?  Wouldn’t it be so much easier if we could just do it once a week? 

You know, a little like changing the bedding… we’d schedule it and do it every Saturday.  Then it would be done!

But no, it doesn’t work like that; and kids are always hungry.

No sooner have we cleared the breakfast table that they ask: “Mum, what were you thinking of cooking for lunch?”

My kids are good at helping me out, but there still seems to be so much that I have to do.

Anyway, this week has been frustrating, and I’m annoyed at myself that I haven’t kept up.

I had planned an email a day – I’ve sent two only…

I had promised myself to shoot a video – it hasn’t happened yet…

I had committed to blog here at least once a week – this is my first post of the year…

And I am in the middle of preparing a new course – launch is planned for February 2nd… I wanted it finished by now, but it’s not ready yet.

Can you relate?

Are you trying to do too much?

If so, I feel for you!  And you’re not alone.

Ok, rant over – I feel better now!

The positive news is that I’ve not done nothing :-).

My ad is running and doing soooo well. I mean look at these numbers for the first 12 days of the year:

Leads are coming in for as little as $0.33, it’s incredible!

My email sequences are working for me.  My open rates are consistently above 35%.  Sales have come in.

That’s what I need to focus on – not the stuff I haven’t done.

Anyway, I’ll end this post here and go write some emails for next week.

If you’re like me, having to do a ton of “things” and finding it frustrating at times, please don’t give up.  You’ll get there, I promise.  The frustration is just part of the course, but it’s still all worth it in the end.

And if you want to know how to run ads that bring in quality leads at such a low cost – just like in the screenshot above – click this link; I teach this stuff, and you can get my training for free by following three simple steps.

Exciting things are happening within Internet Profits by the way… I’ll update you about it all very soon 🙂

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